underlined = link

(1) not spoiler free (i do try to tag spoilers) (2) a bit selective fb (3) i curse a lot & keyboard smash (4) sometimes speak in tagalog (5) NOTIFS OFF for ppl i don't follow sorry (6) i love lots of morally gray characters and villains (7) not uncomfortable with nsfw as long as it's not directed to me (8) i don't mind your taste in fiction just don't be an asshole to actual real people i beg

(1) basic dni criteria (lgbtphobe, racist etc) (2) you harass people over fiction (3) you speak over asians or mock our culture (4) uncomfy with any of the media i consume (5) genshintwt or mcyttwt (6) 14 & below (7) you often engage in discourse (8) you're one of the danmei fugitives (kindly fuck off thanks)



genres/tropes/themes i enjoy: unlimited flow, enemies/rivals to lovers, pining, mystery, sci-fi, school setting, survival, age difference

2ha, yuwu, nan chan, kod, ismm, modu, wzxz, little mushroom, thriller trainee, fog, qqgk, lovely allergen

OTHERS (i don't tweet abt much): tog, k-, j-, thai and cdramas, genshin impact, kpop, opm, taylor swift, olivia rodrigo, mangas, manhwas, manhuas


faves • comforts

chu wanning, xue yang, murong chuyi, niangzi, nanqiu, jiuhuo, 19, yushi (fog), zhaoyu, luzhe, zhoudu, bai changyi, xuexiao, ranwan, wei wuxian

OTHERS khunbam, nobara, mahito (jjk), yosano, skk, sskk, kyouka, yanwei (couple of mirrors), sasamiya, patpran, sherliam, pingxie (un), idaoki (kiekoi), kurodachi (cm), solhwi (law school), hannigram, canglan, duan jiaxu


• mxtx mains (i would offer my all to bq, ms, wx, and hl but i'd really like a peaceful tl as well)
• live action onlys
• if you qualify in my dni
• only tweet in a language i don't understand
• non-danmei accounts
• always bring negativity to the tl, acts like shit for no reason